Friday, January 29, 2010

无聊’之‘拍~ Some photos while waiting.....

在等待我的拖车来把芒果载到McGuyVer那边的时候,(足足等了一半钟!!!)无聊到什么都拿来拍,追着麻雀,蜻蜓到处拍。最后还爬到地上拍蜻蜓~ 哈哈哈~ 喷漆佬的工人都看傻了眼。
One and a half hours of bloody wait for the carrier to come and pick mango up to send it to McGuyver's place to fix the engine and wiring in. So in that mean while, i was so bored that i was chasing the sparrow and dragonfly all over the place.

Here is a sparrow which think it is an eagle~ ^_^
And a very nice dragon fly which stop-ed for 15 minutes and let me slowly too it's picture~

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

最爱花花草草 1~ Flower, flower i love nature 1~

This is one of some few outdoor shoot i took when i went visit my car (mango)

Taken this one morning while waiting for my puppy (wife) before leaving to work.

While going to see my mango, again. Took this when passing through the small road.

一个悠闲的午后在居林大道的休息站拍那里的花朵~ 才发现没有三角架好难对焦哦~
Was wondering around in an lazy afternoon, shoot this flowers at Kulim-Baling highway's rest stop. Only to discovered that it's very hard to fix the focus without the help of tripod. (^_^)

啊噢~ 晚安咯,我的床在叫我了,改天才上照片咯~ 再见。
yawn~..... gtg, bed's calling. will upload more later (^^,)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Mushroom~ ^^ 蘑菇~!

终于开始放上我的照片了~ 下面是一些在我的老爸的后院‘偷’拍的~
Finally, here's so starter from my albums taken so far, this few shots were taken from my dad's backyard.


a twin for you~ ^^

 其实那些蘑菇只不过几毫米高而已。很可爱吧~ 还有一些照片来着呢~ 期待吧~!哈哈~~
actually, they were just a mere <10mm  tall. which made it looks really cute under the plank and grass.Hope you like it (^_^) more to come soon.

Friday, January 08, 2010


Here's some starter, or should i say photos i took to familiarize my new camera (where i was all the while been using only panasonic TZ1 untra-zoom compact) so GH1 is my first "EVIL" or Life View lens interchangeable camera.

(My wife's breakfast today~ something call Hokkian Mee, or Har mee in canto, some say it's call Prawn noodle as well~ Gh1 14-140 - 75mm, F5.8 1/125 iso1600)

Below is the first actual shot trying to get the manual focus working~ @_@~

At Sushi King an hour later after i first put my hand on my new Panasonic GH1 (Gh1 14-140 - 99mm, F5.8 1/30 iso800)

 At Gurney plaza new wing after having dinner at sushi king~Despite the low stop aperture number (F4.0) for the lens, but still it was capable to let a good amount of light going into the sensor. (Gh1 14-140 - 14mm, F4 1/50 iso800)

Testing out the noise and low light ability when loi-tering around the brand new G-Hotel beside gurney plaza~ Surprisingly the noise level wasn't that obvious untill iso800, only slight visible during iso1600.Btwm i manage to get like 1 very sharp photo out of 5 using shutter speed under 1/15 using hand. Which means the panasonic's Mega O.I.S does doing a fairly good job keeping the image steady. (Gh1 14-140 - 25mm, F4.7 1/13 iso800)

Testing the shutter respond with my friend's one years old daughter~ extremely hard to catch the exec moment of her facial expression, sure is one big no-no for "EVIL" type camera, the "live view" we saw was actually a few hundred mili-second slower then actual time-elapse. 
(Gh1 14-140 - 73mm, F5.8 1/30 iso800)

More will come after i toy around with GH1 a bit and see if i can get a hang on thing~ ^-~ until then, sorry to keep ya all waiting.