Monday, February 01, 2010

小鸡鸡~! Chickie~!!!

前几天到朋友的餐馆吃午饭时,老婆一直说她听到有鸟的叫声。 但是却一直都没有见到鸟类物体的身影。一直到朋友的小孩打开一个箩才看到原来有一整箩的小鸡。
下来就不用说了~ 呵呵,当然是拿起相机来拍啦。
Few days back when we were having our lunch at my friend's restaurant, ~puppy~ (my wife, just let you know when i use ~puppy~ is referring to my wife) keep saying that she is picking up bird's chirping noise. But to what came to our eyes, 8 of it. There's no sign of any bird or even anything which resemblance a bird, until my friend's son open up a basket full of Chickie.
Puppy~ went to get permission from my friend to play with one of the chickie, (typical big city ppl la :P hasn't really had a chance to hold a cute little chickie in their hand before) and what come next should had been easily told.... photo shooting time~ ^^

the little chickie fall asleep in puppy's warm hand.
很可爱吧……真让人不忍心的想到将来它可能是我们餐盘中的佳肴 T_T
Isn't it cute... it's breaking my heart to come to think that it might becoming one of our meal one day......

1 comment:

Waileng Tan said...

So cute!!! (^_^)