Tuesday, April 06, 2010

好像好久没有上贴了~ It has been really a long time......

Was a bit lazy lately~

很多事情要做, 车,拍照,老婆,工作……
Lot's of things to take care of, my car. taking photos, my wife, works......

幸好我没有不良嗜好, 要不然满屋都是烟蒂和酒瓶了~
It's a good thing i haven addicted to either smoke or alcohol,or else the whole house would be flooded with them~ *_*
走出屋外~ 看看大自然, 看看他们无怨无悔的为这个世界付出。
Looking outside the house, and see how the nature were contributing to this world without even asking anything for return.
到最后…… 我们还是这个世界不到一秒钟的过客。只留下伤害地球的疤痕……
In the end...... we were just a visitors who stay in this world for a mere one second. Leaving nothing but scar on the surface of the earth......

think back again......

1 comment:

RA said...

Beautiful shots and words to go with it! I hope nature's pure beauty can be preserved. There's already so much damage done...